Morris Moving & Storage in the press

Morris Moving & Storage was featured in an online publication. Read more about the company background and our moving services in Lower Westchester, New York, and across the nation here…

Bronxville-Eastchester Patch More Than a Century Later, the Morris Family Keeps Business Moving

In business since 1898, Mount Vernon Based Morris Moving and Storage offers services to clients around the country.

By Carol Bartold | Email the author | January 9, 2011
“During a move, I see people’s lives at a crossroads,” said Jacob Morris, president of Morris Moving and Storage in Mt. Vernon. “Those transitional moments are beautiful.”

Abraham Morris, Jacob’s great-grandfather, started his horse and carriage moving business on the Lower East Side of New York City in 1898. Abraham’s son, Louis, took over the business in 1935 and continued to run it from the city. In 1972 Stephen, Louis’s son and Jacob’s father, assumed leadership of the company, moved it to its current location at 150 East First Street in Mount Vernon, and expanded operations to offer services to businesses and residential customers nationwide.

A successful advertising copywriter, Jacob didn’t intend to join the family business.

“But I noticed my father’s lifestyle. He had time with his family,” he said. “He worked regular hours without the round-the-clock job demands I had. I liked that.”

In 2007, he apprenticed himself to his father and began to learn about the company and the moving business. “I thought I’d have years to learn the nuts and bolts about operations from my father, but he passed away rather suddenly in 2008 and I found myself with a family business to run,” Jacob said.

Jacob quickly learned that moving is one of life’s most stressful events. “Growing up I wanted to be a therapist, so I enjoy hearing people’s stories,” he said.

Jacob brings something a little different to the move and takes time to talk over the moving situation with clients. “I treat clients like friends, and I conduct every estimate in person.” That care extends to a follow-up call the day after the move as well as another call a month later. “I see the mover-client relationship as a partnership rather than a transaction.”

Morris Moving and Storage employees play a vital role in that partnership. “They have a stake in the company,” Jacob said. The company is not plagued by the high turnover rates typical in the industry. Many of the movers have been on the job over 15 years. “Clients compliment the men, on how well they work together,” he said

Jacob has several tips for a successful move. First, insist that the mover come to your home for the estimate. People tend to search for a
mover online or in the Yellow Pages. “Many movers will give quotes online or over the phone,” he said. “Don’t take them. Movers must come to the home and look at what will be moved.”
He suggests getting a referral from a real estate agent or a friend who has had a good experience. “Over ninety-five percent of our business comes from repeat customers and referrals.”

Second, have your possessions organized and clearly labeled, and decide
who will pack, you or the movers. Third, be on the premises the day the
movers arrive.

“I have found a passion for this business,” Jacob said. “The more I learn about managing it, the more of a joy it becomes.”